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2020-2021 Series Archive

Comfort Cradle, 24x18 inches, Oil Paints, 11/29/2021

I explore loss of identity and dysphoria in this piece, as well as how such discomfort can morph, move, and blossom in unexpected ways. The influence of social pressure is represented in the mirror and the phone, and the reactions of the creatures. The multiple creatures represent facets of self that are often in disagreement.

Down the Rabbit Hole, 12x24 inches, Gouache and Acrylic Medium on Canvas, 12/3/2020

This piece is unabashedly trans and is literally falling down the rabbit hole of gender euphoria through uncertainty and exploration. For me, gender is a beautiful vortex I am swept through and am lucky enough to feel so different every day. Life is a vortex that changes us as well, forcing us to transition in ways we may not always choose. 

Brain Matter, 9x12 inches, Oil Paints on Canvas, 7/12/2021

I imagine this is a corner of my brain (yes my brain has corners).

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Goo, 8x12 inches, Oil Paints, 7/10/2021

Time is cyclical and moves our body in mysterious ways. Like an unrelenting god, I too put the dino in the goo. 

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Yeezy Frog, 9x14 inches, Oil Paints on Canvas, 7/17/2021

Capitalistic values manifest in hilarious ways. different people put the same value in completely different things because of perceived worth. 


©2018 by Star Hagen-Esquerra created with

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