2022 Art Series: Two Dimensional Dreams

The painting series, Two Dimensional Dreams, portrays overlapping stories about violence, innocence, and identity. In my paintings, I tell complex stories through dreamlike realities where the cacophony of events are both simultaneous and chronological. Through fantasy, I can portray the horrors of reality and of being at war with oneself and with the world. Through simultaneous narratives, I can portray the chaos and dichotomy of existence. My art communicates stories of violence and of experiencing violence, stories of relishing in justice, reclaiming identity, and rebelling against destructive forces. I explore the dialectic of memory and fantasy, expressing complex visual narratives of the rich, disjointed emotions that play into our experience. My work focuses on the intersections of worlds, where the magical and malevolent collide in chaos and juxtapose each other, sometimes subverting the beautiful into horror and the ugly into the divine. Lately, I have been creating dreams inside the nightmares, and finding victory and comfortable solace within an incomprehensible realm in order to combat the idea that life is hopeless or without meaning. I aim to create comfort and discomfort within the viewer by questioning the definitions of good and evil, human and monster, and the rainbow of experiences beyond the black and white. I intertwine my fine art and game design disciplines to explore false realities as interactive pieces to further convey the intricacies of metaphorical worlds.

Comfort Cradle, 24x18 inches, Oil Paints, 11/29/2021
Comfort Cradle is an autobiographical piece representing the way being femme builds me up and rips me apart in new ways as I navigate a world built against someone like me (brown, queer, two-spirit, femme, disabled), but am simultaneously held by the very things that cause me to suffer in the hands of others. Between all these identities, I have had to abandon predetermined life and am left with a blank canvas and no blueprint, creating something new, comfortable, and truly mine.
in my mind I am a spider
weaving a web
cocooning myself with cotton and that which is soft against my skin I can see my old faces rotting away
as I am ready to be reborn

As a child, I was given the book The Serpent Slayer: and Other Stories of Strong Women retold by Katrin Tchna, and have often thought of the coinciding story where the virgin sacrifice murders–in cold blood– the monster torturing the village. The virgin figure accomplished a claim of power from sheer will. Of all the fairy tales, this lesson of empowerment was the most important as a young femme. The feminine is so often made to feel weak, powerless, and dominated that I need to remind myself and others that we are so capable of reckless violence.
Delight of the Serpent Slayer, 24x18 inches, Oil Paints, 11/29/2021
Everyone but Us, 36x24 inches, Oil Paints, 11/29/2021

Sometimes it seems like hell was made for humans only. The creatures we call monsters are far more innocent than humans. No matter how much power we have accumulated in this lifetime, our souls are too heavy to be raptured. If heaven is real, it was made for everyone but us.
The fairies protect themselves from invaders through whatever means necessary. We are often made to protect our peace from invaders, onlookers, and those looking to change what they see. Simultaneously, we nurture and protect both individuality and ownership of one's body. As I move through the world, it is as if I am being fought over, but I am also fighting in that war. I am defending against every attack and attacking back against invasion. My inner world is beautiful, vast, and not to be colonized.
Invasion of the Fairy Realm,
24x36 inches, Oil Paints, 11/29/2021

Jabberwocky's Jubilee, 12x9 inches, Oil Paints, 11/29/2021

You’re not safe alone at night! The forest has monsters. The forest is monsters. The eyes will see but never share, but they will witness your assault as you repeat it over and over.
After School Care: Mal and the Grin aka “Butter Tooth”, 36x24 inches, Oil Paints on Canvas, 11/29/2021
After School Care is a companion painting to my senior game development project for my Art and Design: Games and Playable Media major: After School Care. This piece serves as concept and title art as well as serving as a way to meld my two senior projects together. After School Care revolves around a child who has been transported to an alternate dimension resembling their school, but the reality is controlled by a malevolent entity called the “Heart”, who kidnaps beings from other realities to transform them into mindless playthings.